The following resources were compiled for parents beginning their dyslexia journey. We hope these resources will assist you in advocating for your child and inspire you to take further action in our community on behalf of all the children in NY.
Thanks to Decoding Dyslexia Minnesota for allowing us to edit their resources.
Join PADDD Support Group on Facebook (Parent Advocates of Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia) search posts for answers, ask questions, give/receive support. Like Dyslexia Allies of WNY on facebook.
Gates Chili SEPTO (Special Education Parent Teacher Organization): Facebook page and group for families.
Don't believe the myths! Dr. Nadine Gaab debunks several myths on the Gaab Lab website.
New York State Education Department (NYSED) Guidance on Chapter 216 of the Laws of 2017- Students with Disabilities Resulting from Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and Dyscalculia
Get answers to the question, "What to do if your child's school isn't teaching reading right?" from Emily Hanford. Want to know more about reading programs? See the Colorado Department of Education's 2020 Advisory List of Instructional Programming and Louisa Moats' paper, "Whole-Language High Jinks: How to Tell When 'Scientifically-Based Reading Instruction' Isn't".
RTI vs MTSS: What's the difference?
In October 2015, Michael Yudin, with the U.S. Department of Education, wrote a letter offering guidance to clarify that there is nothing in IDEA that prohibits the use of the terms dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dysgraphia in the IDEA evaluation, eligibility determinations, and the IEP documents.
In November 2015, Michael Yudin wrote another letter stating that children with disabilities must be held to high expectations and meaningful access to a State's academic content standards. The IEP must align with the content standards for the grade that the child is enrolled.
Kelly Sandman-Hurley from the Dyslexia Training Institute wrote a wonderful speech for a School Board Meeting. You can edit it with your own information to deliver a speech at YOUR school board meeting. Read/ watch other School Board Meeting comments here: www.tinyurl.com/NYSLiteracyCollectiveImpact.
This resource you can sent or print and give to your school - Dyslexia in the Classroom - What Every Teacher Needs to Know - International Dyslexia Association
From the National Center for Learning Disabilities, comes The Dyslexia Toolkit. It contains a lot of signs and symptoms of dyslexia and different age levels.
October 2020 Chili Library Virtual Panel Discussion about Dyslexia resources: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Wn6J2oBTkACWLgzLt7rvr68bfKCzNQLI?fbclid=IwAR1j4HUGF0wc3VR8_TRmaKIehi9GBiOb9jFTlGIFJ1fW0Dt70g2IDnYPzEw
CASL Gates Chili recognizes that there is no "one size fits all" approach to literacy intervention or remediation and does not endorse any single method. Those listed below are resources many parents of children with dyslexia have found to be helpful and effective.
Institute for Multi-sensory Education
"We strongly recommend that students needing intense remediation with the Wilson Reading System receive instruction from a WRS Level I or Level II Certified teacher. In order to locate a WRS certified tutor in your area or to verify that a teacher or tutor is WRS certified, contact us or call 800.899.8454 for assistance. Our policy to provide a list of only WRS certified individuals who are currently credentialed as a Wilson® Dyslexia Practitioner or Wilson® Dyslexia Therapist is our way of assuring the integrity of the program. Please explore this section to learn more about WRS instruction and the importance of certification."